our story so far…

Gazapi was set up in 2019 by David Robinson, Director of Sport at The Beacon School in Amersham. After 17 years of teaching sport to children and constantly developing new ideas and ways to improve children’s skill set David came up with the Gazapi Rugby Ball. A fun and addictive ball that gives immediate feedback and reward. With a unique spiral design at each tip, children and adults alike will be able to see with every pass if they can send the ball accurately with a perfect spiral rotation. David found that there were was no other rugby ball that would give the children this sense of accomplishment or kinaesthetic feedback.

David with his designer thought of every little detail when designing the Gazapi Rugby Ball, even down to the direction of the spirals. With two distinct colours at either end, the red lines are for passing off the right hand and dark green lines are for passing off the left. The Gazapi Rugby Ball is hand stitched using the finest materials insuring that the grip will be highly effective in even the worst British weather.

The Gazapi Rugby Ball was designed with perfection in mind; the more you practise the pass the better it becomes.

